Sunday, February 24, 2013

progress. add Old Blue to the mix. stir often.

ok.... Hiatus over.  photo worthy progress has certainly been short lately, but I have been gathering parts, and finalizing plans for the truck consistently.  I now have all of the body parts acquired to do a full front clip swap, and all interior parts and pieces that are difficult to find are accounted for.  so, what has been pretty slow progress over the last 7 or so months, will now pick back up to a more normal 'Gibson' pace :)

inspirational shot:

in other, somewhat related, news:  there has been an addition to the horsepower stable!  in July, Amy and I went on vacation to Montana, near Glacier NP.  beautiful country.  luckily, we were driving a tow-ready vehicle, because we came home pulling a '68 chevy.  I can't help myself! I love these trucks!  this one has a great story, which made it all that much more irresistible.  'Old Blue' is her name.  she spent her life as a work truck, here on Bainbridge.  30 years of hauling lumber, making dump runs, and getting stuck on steep, muddy driveways.  Our close friends, Bob and Lisa, who live here on the island, are who we were visiting at their place in Montana, and Bob is the contractor that owned the truck all this time.  Old Blue spent the last ten years of her life in Montana hanging out hood deep in the snow every winter.  the dry climate in Montana did her some good though.  for being a work truck for so long, she is in fantastic condition.  as I peel back the layers, I am more and more impressed.  this has encouraged me to keep her as-is for now.  the possibility of paint in the near future is really the only plan at this point.  she is too perfect to mess up:)

I was unsure, if after sitting for so long, I could get her running without at least SOME minor surgery.  while in Montana, before the trip home, I sprayed 2 cans of carb cleaner down her throat.  to my shock, I put a battery in, pumped the gas pedal a few times, and she fired up on the first 2 cranks!! this thing runs SMOOTH!  UNBELIEVABLE.  I had so much fun on that first drive, that I have done nothing to the motor except change the oil.  

stats:  1968 C20 (3/4 ton) long bed, Medium Blue, white top, all original.  motor is a 327 out of a '65 vette (yes, really!!) w/ a 4 speed tranny behind it.  plenty of power left in her. 

I just found out a few weeks ago that her paint still has life as well.  I have been slowly cleaning her up as time goes by.  polishing here and there, fixing lights, etc.

I get the feeling the stories have just begun with Old Blue.  Every time I drive her anywhere in town, I get a "hey, that's Bob's truck!"  or a "how did you get this truck?"  people recognize her here.  and they all have stories about her.  driving her is fun, but hearing about her life on the island has been the best part.  I look forward to breathing more life into her, so the stories can keep coming.

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