Monday, January 9, 2012

new life, new paint, old rust

Practice makes perfect, or closer to it, anyway. Since the Holidays, I have been working on a vintage steel dresser for close friends. They are having their first baby, and this will go in Baby Rausch's room, exciting time for everyone, and a great opportunity for me to practice metal prep, shooting paint, and buffing/polishing techniques. I really wanted to push the amount of reducer in the paint just to see how thin I could get it (in order for the paint to "flow out" well, and create a nice glassy smooth surface.) after the first coat, which had a few nice long runs in it, I seemed to have found the sweet spot, and I was PUMPED that it turned out so well! the dresser looks great. it took some work, and I still color sanded, and polished it in the end, but that was the purpose of this one. get used to the process, the settings on the tools, and redo where necessary until I was happy with the finished product. mission accomplished. ultimately, more pumped about the new baby (coming soon), but the dresser is cool too :)

on the truck: I spent this last sunday taking all of the glass, rubber, and doors off of the cab. I will still be marching forward with the progress on the front end, but that requires buying black paint for the suspension parts. the holidays and sketchy job market have me a bit short in the financial department, so my next few steps will be a balance of using what is available to me already, and smart spending on what is necessary. I don't, by any means, consider this a stall in the project. In fact, this will make me all that more proud of the build when it is rollin down the road. take that, crappy economy!!

enjoy some pictures... there is some rust in the windshield channel, I was actually relieved to find this, as it will fix an annoying leak under the dash. more posts to come about fixing 40 yr old metal and seams between panels.

thanks for checking in..., Happy New Year, let's hope the Mayans were wrong, and it won't be the last!

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